Driving Info

Driving in Brunei for Foreign visitors with foreign driving permits and International driver’s license are permitted to drive in Brunei Darussalam for (3) three months. After that period, foreign visitors, have to obtain a Brunei driver’s license. At times, holders of international driving permits need to pass an oral test if they want to acquire a Brunei driver’s license.

In Brunei, some road signs are in Malay script so foreign drivers who are not familiar with Malay must know the signs well before driving. During night time and wee hours of the day, police routinely stops vehicles to check the driver’s license, registration documents, and search/inspect vehicles for illegal contraband like drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes especially on borders between Malaysia and Brunei.

When driving exiting and re-entering Brunei borders, drivers must always have their identification cards (driver’s licenses, International driver permits, and passports) and must acquire the Vehicle Exit/Re-Entry Pass QR Code, with Authorized Letter (For Rented Vehicles), copies of vehicle registration documents, and insurance cover notes.

Refer to the categorized list of driving information and safety tips to be well-prepared on your travel/visit in Brunei Darussalam.